NaNoWriMo is dead. Long Live NovNovels!
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A Rant About Subscriptions
Random editing things
I find it hilarious just how persistent this particular spellcheck run is in its attempts to correct “pyrrhic” into “prophylactic.” It’s still cracking me up every single time I see those red squiggly lines. 🤣 “Pyrrhus of Epirus’ prophylactic war against Rome.” 🤣🤣🤣
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Best Story of the Olympics and DT Rant
Damnit Khloe
ProWritingAid Shenaniganry
NaNoWriMo 2023
The TLDR Results: 27570 wordsStatus: failed Honestly, I am not broken up about it. I don’t think the story would have panned out to be more 40k words in the first place, since what outlines I have for exPATRIOT stories are more Cadet Flight Methuselah-esque in nature—novella-length or shorter episodes that are stitched together, rather…
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Categories: Blog