In times unremembered, three elder beasts walked the lands as men,
for to seek and to see that which was born between the stars and the abyss,
when life branched forth from the Well of Souls.
In the North came to rest Gyes, He Who Watched:
his story still sung by those blessed with his scales and his feathers.
In the South came to rest Briareos, He Who Wandered:
his story all but forgotten, save by those who find themselves wont to wander however the wind wills.
But Kottos, He Who Sought, never chose to rest.
Instead, his story ended at the edge of a sea, in fire and tragedy, after his wrath brought ruin unto all he once cherished.
These collected tomes are the Histories of the Severed, the stories of those who walked on after all they knew was turned to ash.
Book I: The Eyes of Kottos
He who did not choose to rest shall rise, and rise again.
Known as the Spear of Riphean, mercenary Eleri wanders the continent based on the flip of a coin. Its latest toss sends her back to Aushan, once the nexus of culture and scholarship upon Actaeon—until one day ten years ago, when the elder beast Kottos rose from the fog of legend and smothered its capital in fire and blood.
After returning to the fading village she considers home, Frontier Lord Andras Bel hires her to protect his adopted son, Vinzens Bel’rael—the lauded hero who rallied all of Actaeon against Kottos in the pyrrhic war known as the Severing. Vinzens has spent the intervening years hunting down all that remains of those responsible for unleashing the elder beast, heedless of the political and personal consequences.
His single-minded crusade leads Eleri straight into a scheme centuries in the planning. One Vinzens interrupted by slaying its godhead, but has since found a new leader, and a new purpose:
To use the Eye they tore from his corpse, and resurrect the elder beast at the head of a legion of his scaled monsters, so he may once again unleash his wrath upon all that remains of Actaeon.